Cerebral palsy incidence

Cerebral palsy is the disorder of brain resulting in uncontrollable movement and posture. Cerebral palsy is due to various causes that injure that part of the brain that controls the movement and co-ordination. Let us discuss about its incidence here.

Incidence of the cerebral palsy is nothing but the no of cerebral palsy cases confirmed each year. The annual diagnosis rate is also known as incidence of cerebral palsy. You should know the difference between prevalence and incidence of cerebral palsy.

The word prevalence means the total number of persons who are suffering from cerebral palsy at a given point of time. Both incidence and prevalence are statistical information related closely.

Some diseases which can be cured easily like flu, typhoid etc can have high incidence. They will have very less prevalence when compared to diseases like cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy may have low incidence but will have high prevalence as this disease cannot be cured easily.

As per some survey the incidence of cerebral palsy in the world is 2 -2.5 cases in a birth of 1000 in a year. as per a recent survey the incidence rate of cerebral palsy in united states of America is 8000 in a year, 666 cases in a month, 153 cases in a week, 21 cases per day ,o cases in a hour, o cases in a minute and o cases in a second.

Incidence is calculated at the time of birth. But the closely related word prevalence is calculated at school entering age [six years]. As per some survey the incidence rate of industrial world is 2 cases in 1000 birth in a year.

The incidence rate of cerebral palsy is slightly higher in the cases of United States of America as it varies from 1.5 - 4 cases in a birth of 1000. This means there five thousand to ten thousand babies are diagnosed for cerebral palsy each year.

Each year nearly 1500 children are diagnosed for cerebral palsy at preschool entering age in America. In this 1500 cases nearly 60 % of the children are affected by mental retardation .this is due to the damage of brain in occipital, parital, or temporal ganglia.

The mental retardation develops if the child with cerebral palsy is not given proper treatment. For example if the child with cerebral palsy is blind or deaf due to the injury happened at occipital or temporal lobe of the brain, this child need to be taught to communicate using tactile sign language tulonoma. In tulonoma the child is made to touch the lip of the other person and can understand the word by the movement of the lip.

The incidence of cerebral palsy is more in case of premature babies and low weight babies. The incidence of the cerebral palsy can really be reduced by quality care providing to the pregnant mothers and the new born babies.

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