Cerebral palsy graph

If a child got permanent brain injuries when it is in the womb or during birth or in the months following birth, it will definitely go for cerebral palsy. These patients may have learning disabilities, speech difficulties, motor skills, or other problems. Cerebral palsy graph is nothing but the epigraph seen by the doctors while diagnosing the condition using Electro encphelogram (EEG).

In general, doctors diagnose cerebral palsy by looking carefully at the infant’s medical history and infant’s motor skills.

A CT scan may be useful in determining the condition of the brain. On seeing the cerebral palsy affected brain in the monitor, the doctor can easily identify the condition of the patient. With the help of CT scan, underdeveloped brain areas of an infant, abnormal cysts in the brain can easily be identified for the presence of cerebral palsy.

MRI or magnetic resonance imaging is a relatively new brain imaging technique, which will help to identifying brain disorders. MRI uses a radio waves and magnetic field to get better pictures of structures or abnormal areas located near bone than CT.

Ultraonography helps a lot to expose problems in brain tissues. This technique bounces sound waves off the brain and forms picture by using the pattern of echoes, or sonogram, of its structures. This help to get the cerebral palsy pictures in the infants before the bones of the skull harden and close.

If a physician wants to look for other conditions, which are linked to cerebral palsy, including vision or hearing problems, mental impairment, and seizure disorders.

Once a health care provider suspects a seizure disorder, an electroencephalogram, or EEG, may be structured. This procedure records the brain's continuous, electrical activity by means of electrodes attached to the scalp. Special patches of electrodes will be placed on the scalp to record natural electric currents inside the brain.

The recording will be impregnated as a cerebral palsy graph in a sheet of paper to help the physician see telltale patterns in the brain’s electrical activity, which suggests a seizure disorder.

Apart from identifying the presence of cerebral palsy, it is essential to find out the accompanying conditions. Most of these conditions can easily be addressed by improving the long-term outlook for those with cerebral palsy, through specific treatments.

Cerebral palsy graph is available for various reasons apart from diagnosis of this disease. The common graphs available include the frequency of occurrence of different forms of cerebral palsy by birth weight, incidence of cerebral palsy from 1964 to 1990, etc.

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